Saudi Aramco: Completely resume work at the petroleum products distribution station in Qassim region

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Dhahran - Saudi Aramco confirmed the resumption of work at the petroleum products distribution station in the Qassim region.

The company said in a statement today, Sunday, "Following up to the press release issued by Saudi Aramco yesterday / Saturday regarding the technical malfunction at the petroleum products distribution station in the Qassim region, its maintenance teams succeeded in returning the distribution station to full operation yesterday evening, and work resumed Normal loading of petroleum products for station customers.

And the company’s statement yesterday stated, “In reference to what was circulated about a shortage of some petroleum products in the Qassim region, Saudi Aramco indicated that it worked to fix a running technical malfunction that occurred at the petroleum products station in the region, offering its apologies for this out-of-will malfunction.

Aramco confirmed that the station has resumed its work, and the station's work is now being returned to its normal level, indicating that there is no shortage of petroleum supplies at the Qassim station, and that it has taken all necessary measures to ensure that the demand for petroleum products continues to be met in the region.