Iran... Arrest of MEK supporters, their families, and former politicians

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Beth: In retaliation for the Iranian resistance's calls to boycott the regime's presidential elections and the mullahs' regime's fears of a popular uprising; The regime increased the detention of MEK families, their supporters, and former political prisoners in various cities. Milad Yazdannejad, 26, from Tehran, Mouloud Safai, sister of Zahra Safai, is detained in Qarchak-Puramin prison, and Payam Shakiba, 38, from Tehran, was arrested earlier in 2016 for sympathizing with the MEK and was released He was released from prison last February.

As stated in the June 11 statement issued by the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran; The names and details of detainees are constantly sent to correspondents, relevant UN bodies and international human rights organizations.

Numerous reports from different cities refer to the mullahs' regime's campaign to confront any protest gathering during the election period, which the resistance described as rigged.