SABIC CEO leads the kingdom's delegation at the twenty-Country Business Group Summit in India

Engineer Abdul Rahman bin Saleh al-Faqih, CEO of SABIC, has been selected to lead the delegation of business leaders of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the upcoming summit of the business group of twenty countries, held in the Indian capital "New Delhi" from August 25 to 27, 2023.
Engineer Al-Faqih and the Saudi delegation will represent the business interests of businesses in the kingdom, where they will meet with their counterparts from the business sector in twenty of the world's leading economies.the group will work together to align the requirements of the private business sector in Saudi Arabia, and highlight business priorities through the participation group emanating from the business group of twenty countries.
Engineer Al-Faqih explained that this is an important opportunity for the business community in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to be a voice in the region and the developing world in general, stressing the keenness through participation to address critical global challenges that shape the future of business and shape economies, expressing his honor to be assigned to lead this delegation to India, and his enthusiasm to communicate with business leaders from all over the world in order to highlight the business community in Saudi Arabia as a promising investment destination.
Al-Faqih pointed out that the business community in Saudi Arabia and India are embarking on a prosperous growth path and have a common interest in building sustainable, inclusive and diverse economies for the future, looking forward to deepening cooperation between companies in the two countries as well as other developed and developing countries during the summit of the business group of twenty countries chaired by India.
The Saudi economy is one of the fastest growing and most dynamic economies in the world, led by companies that have achieved significant expansion in the past decade, which has made the kingdom one of the most attractive strategic destinations for investments from around the world.the delegation will seek to address the critical issues facing the world today through the joint collective work of the business community, in line with the Saudi Vision 2030 and the kingdom's growth strategy.
In addition to leading the delegation, engineer Al-Faqih will participate in the meetings of the B20 business group by delivering a keynote speech and participating in a panel discussion on environmental, social and corporate governance practices.