انطلاق المؤتمر الدولي لتكنولوجيا صناعة المصاعد والسلالم المتحركة ومستلزماتها بجدة
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أطلقت غرفة جدة اليوم الأثنين،فعاليات "المؤتمر الدولي لتكنولوجيا صناعة المصاعد والسلالم المتحركة ومستلزماتها" (ليفت سيتي إكسبو 2023 ),ويستمر إلى 7 سبتمبر 2023م،في فندق هيلتون جدة، بمشاركة عدد من الشركات والمؤسسات المحلية والإقليمية،و250 علامةً مسجلةً و95 عارضًا من 10 دول مشاركة.
تفاصيل في بث الرئيسية

The International Conference on the technology of manufacturing elevators, escalators and their accessories kicked off in Jeddah

Jeddah Chamber launched on Monday, the activities of the" International Conference on elevator and escalator manufacturing technology and accessories " (lift City Expo 2023 ),which will last until September 7, 2023, at the Hilton Jeddah hotel, with the participation of a number of local and regional companies and institutions, 250 registered brands and 95 exhibitors from 10 participating countries.
The organizing committee explained the importance of the role played by the exhibition in opening new foreign markets, which contributes to achieving a stronger return on investment, stressing that the exhibition plays a major role in keeping pace with the construction development and the volume of projects being held in the kingdom, which had a return on directing investments by manufacturers worldwide to the kingdom, as well as the development of the vertical and vertical transportation industry within the Kingdom and its localization.
Lyft cityexpo Jeddah enjoys a strong international interest given by its presence in the most developed and developed market in the kingdom, the Gulf region and the Middle East, as it is an ideal platform to encourage and develop the elevator industry sectors in the kingdom, which is witnessing significant growth and progress due to the increasing projects under construction or planned.
The exhibition provides an opportunity for exhibitors to meet beneficiaries and specialists from different countries of the world through a series of seminars and workshops for everyone to keep abreast of the latest trends and technologies in the elevator industry.